Originally Posted by
Hettra Ill try and be as non biased as possible :D
8.Ah- The tribe is currently fighting |SC| In continent 64 which seems to off weakened them majorly in overall rankings as they was 3rd only a few days ago there support has not come to there members and they are being picked off one by one.If the tribe isn't careful they risk being destroyed by other tribes in other continents as there spread is good but in the middle off 2 bigger tribe families. We will see if this tribe is around in a week or two.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Congratulations on taking out our smallest members Hettra, or should I say your top five members carrying your weak leadership. You out of the blue betrayed our NAP, then lied about it, then declared war when we started clearing your members. Yes we've dropped out of the top 5, not really at all due to our issues with you. We've been doing a bit of internal nobbling ourselves and while we did lose a few villas to you we've taken a couple back and cleared 3x that in your members around us.
Hell, you yourself aren't fit to run a top tribe, a none premium member with only minimal previous world experience backtimed you:
http://en68.tribalwars.net/public_re...ee35e564f86ef9 I also hope that wasn't your entire troop count either; otherwise I truly feel bad for those fighting for you. Isn't that what happened with HUGz? A whole bunch of decent players with a noob leader... so the good players broke off and made Temp.? Sounds familiar.
You had your goons fight that battle for you as well; but it will only be a matter of time before our good players can reach you; then you'll disappear ;) Lucky for you to be so far from our main clusters; the members that are not are not fairing so lucky... or have they not told you we've been farming them for a week?
You've gotten so scared you went crying to -=GE=- LOL one of the biggest hugger tribes on the world; the only contact we've had with their members has mostly been through scouting and the troop to point ratios have been laughable at best. Take a look at the plunder and resource achievements, along with OD scores, and that finished off any remaining doubt. You're running out of low point, less skilled players of ours to conquer, don't bask in your glory just yet a storm is brewing.
I've also been told you've been lying to other tribe leaders saying we broke the NAP to make us sound like the bad guy lol You're all around pathetic. If we do lose to you in this area; it will only be due to your tribes sheer numbers. As it stands it's about 10 AH members (as a lot are not in our shared area) vs. 70 |SC| and |TC| members. With the GE hugging family you just recruited that makes it 25 AH vs. 150 GE, SC, and TC members. :lol: this should be fun.
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